Going Back To School For Computer Science

With technology transforming every industry, demand for computer science skills is exploding. Many professionals are considering going back to school to gain expertise in this dynamic field.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: Going back to school for computer science can greatly boost your career prospects, but requires researching programs, preparing academically, considering costs, and balancing work/life demands.

This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about returning to school for a computer science degree, from choosing the right program to managing the demands of work, school, and family.

Evaluating Your Motivations

Before making the decision to go back to school for computer science, it is important to take some time to evaluate your motivations. Understanding why you want to pursue this field can help you make a more informed decision and set realistic expectations. Here are a few key factors to consider:

Career Advancement Potential

One of the main motivations for going back to school for computer science is the potential for career advancement. The demand for skilled computer science professionals is constantly growing, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years.

By acquiring a degree in computer science, you can position yourself for higher-paying job opportunities and increased job security. According to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $91,250 in May 2020, which is higher than the median annual wage for all occupations in the U.S.

Interest in Technology

Another important factor to consider is your genuine interest in technology. Computer science is a field that is constantly evolving and requires a passion for learning and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements.

If you find yourself naturally drawn to technology and enjoy problem-solving, coding, and working with computers, pursuing a degree in computer science might be a great fit for you. It can provide you with the opportunity to turn your passion into a rewarding career.

Dissatisfaction in Current Field

If you are considering going back to school for computer science, dissatisfaction in your current field might be a driving factor. Perhaps you feel stagnant in your current job or are looking for a new challenge.

Computer science offers a wide range of career options and the opportunity to explore different industries. Whether you are interested in software development, data analysis, cybersecurity, or artificial intelligence, the field of computer science can open doors to exciting new possibilities.

It is important to note that going back to school for computer science is a significant commitment of time, effort, and financial resources. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate your motivations and ensure that pursuing this path aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations.

By carefully considering your career advancement potential, interest in technology, and dissatisfaction in your current field, you can make an informed decision about whether going back to school for computer science is the right choice for you.

Choosing the Right Program

Undergraduate vs. Graduate

When considering going back to school for computer science, one of the first decisions you’ll need to make is whether to pursue an undergraduate or graduate program. An undergraduate degree in computer science typically takes four years to complete and provides a solid foundation in the field.

It is a great option for individuals who are just starting their journey in computer science or those who want to switch careers.

On the other hand, a graduate degree in computer science is designed for individuals who already have a bachelor’s degree in the field or a related area. It offers a more advanced and specialized curriculum, allowing students to dive deeper into specific areas of computer science.

A graduate degree can open up more career opportunities and potentially lead to higher salaries.

Traditional vs. Online

Another factor to consider when choosing a computer science program is whether to go for a traditional on-campus program or an online program. Traditional programs offer the benefit of face-to-face interaction with professors and peers, providing a more immersive learning experience.

They also often have access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.

On the other hand, online programs offer flexibility and convenience. They allow you to study from anywhere at any time, making it easier to balance your studies with other commitments. Online programs also often have lower tuition costs and may be more accessible to individuals who live in remote areas or have work or family responsibilities.

General CS vs. Specializations

When choosing a computer science program, you’ll also need to decide whether you want to pursue a general computer science degree or specialize in a specific area. A general computer science degree provides a broad foundation in the field and covers a wide range of topics such as programming, algorithms, databases, and cybersecurity.

On the other hand, specializing in a specific area of computer science can provide you with in-depth knowledge and expertise in that particular field. Some popular specializations include artificial intelligence, data science, software engineering, and computer networking.

Specializing can make you more marketable and give you a competitive edge in the job market.

Ultimately, the right program for you will depend on your individual goals, preferences, and circumstances. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all the factors before making a decision.

Checking out reputable websites such as US News or Computer Science.org can provide you with valuable insights and rankings of different computer science programs to help you make an informed choice.

Preparing Academically

Taking Prerequisites

Before diving into the world of computer science, it’s important to make sure you have a solid foundation. This means taking prerequisite courses that will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in your computer science studies.

These courses may include subjects like mathematics, physics, and logic. By taking these prerequisites, you’ll be better prepared for the more advanced concepts you’ll encounter in your computer science coursework.

Brushing Up on Math Skills

Mathematics plays a crucial role in computer science. From algorithms and data structures to cryptography and machine learning, a strong understanding of math is essential. If it’s been a while since you’ve studied math, it’s a good idea to brush up on your skills before starting your computer science program.

Consider reviewing topics such as algebra, calculus, and discrete mathematics. There are many online resources available, including Khan Academy and Coursera, that offer free or affordable math courses specifically designed for computer science students.

Learning Programming Basics

Programming is at the core of computer science, so it’s important to have a basic understanding of programming concepts before starting your studies. Familiarize yourself with programming languages such as Python, Java, or C++, as these are commonly used in the field.

There are numerous online tutorials and coding bootcamps that can help you get started. Additionally, consider working on small coding projects to practice your skills. Not only will this help you build a foundation in programming, but it will also give you a taste of what it’s like to work on real-world coding problems.

Managing Logistics

Going back to school for computer science can be an exciting and rewarding journey. However, it also requires careful planning and consideration of logistics. Here are some tips to help you manage the logistics of going back to school for computer science.

Finding Time for Classes

One of the biggest challenges of going back to school while working is finding the time to attend classes. It may seem overwhelming at first, but with proper time management, it is possible to balance your work schedule and class schedule. Consider the following strategies:

  • Create a schedule: Plan out your day and allocate specific time slots for work, classes, and other commitments. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you have dedicated time for studying.
  • Utilize technology: Take advantage of online resources and tools that can help you optimize your time. There are apps and websites that can help you manage your schedule, set reminders, and even provide study materials.
  • Communicate with your employer: If you are currently employed, have an open and honest conversation with your employer about your educational goals. They may be willing to accommodate your class schedule or offer flexible working arrangements.

Commuting and Housing

If you are attending a physical campus, commuting and housing arrangements can be another logistical challenge. Here are some suggestions to make it more manageable:

  • Research housing options: If you need to relocate for your studies, start looking for housing options well in advance. Consider proximity to the campus, affordability, and amenities.
  • Explore transportation alternatives: If commuting to campus is a concern, explore alternative transportation options such as public transit, carpooling, or biking. This can help save time and reduce stress.
  • Connect with fellow students: Reach out to other students who may be in a similar situation and see if you can carpool or share housing arrangements. This can help make the logistics of commuting and housing more affordable and enjoyable.

Balancing Work and School

One of the biggest challenges of going back to school while working is finding the right balance between your job and your studies. Here are some strategies to help you achieve this balance:

  • Set realistic expectations: Be realistic about what you can achieve both at work and in school. Avoid taking on too many responsibilities or overcommitting yourself.
  • Prioritize tasks: Determine which tasks are the most important and focus on completing those first. This will help you stay organized and prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  • Seek support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks when needed. Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who can provide support and encouragement.

Remember, going back to school for computer science is a significant commitment, but with proper planning and organization, you can successfully manage the logistics and achieve your educational goals.

Paying for Your Degree

When considering going back to school for a computer science degree, one of the most important factors to consider is how to pay for it. Fortunately, there are several options available to help make this investment in your education more affordable.

Employer Tuition Assistance

Many companies offer tuition assistance programs to their employees. This is a great option to explore if you are currently employed and looking to further your education. Some employers may cover a portion or even the full cost of your computer science degree.

Check with your HR department to see if your company offers this benefit and what the requirements are.

Scholarships and Grants

Another way to fund your computer science degree is through scholarships and grants. There are numerous organizations, foundations, and even universities that offer scholarships specifically for students pursuing a degree in computer science.

These scholarships can be merit-based, need-based, or even based on specific criteria such as gender or ethnicity. Research and apply to as many scholarships as possible to increase your chances of receiving financial aid.

Additionally, don’t forget to explore grants that may be available to you. Grants are typically need-based and can be provided by federal or state governments, as well as private organizations. Websites like Fastweb.com and Scholarships.com are great resources to find scholarships and grants that you may be eligible for.

Student Loans

If you are unable to secure employer tuition assistance or scholarships, student loans can be a viable option for financing your computer science degree. It is important to research and compare different loan options to find the one with the lowest interest rates and most favorable repayment terms.

Be sure to borrow responsibly and only take out what you need to cover your tuition and living expenses.

Remember, going back to school for a computer science degree is an investment in your future. While it may require some financial planning and sacrifices, the opportunities and earning potential in the field can make it well worth it.

Explore all your options and find the best way to pay for your degree that works for you.


Returning to school for computer science can transform your career, but requires careful planning and commitment. By researching options, making academic preparations, organizing logistics, and securing financial aid, professionals can make the most of this opportunity.

With hard work and perseverance, the investment of time and money can pay off with exciting job prospects in a field that allows you to combine creativity, analytical skills, and passion for technology.

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